Thanks to the generous support of Lipman Karas, YAV is now offering Inclusion Scholarships.
The power of music to promote confidence, social cohesion and positive well being in children is without question. The YAV Board is keen to ensure as much as possible that all Adelaide children are able to access the world class musical tuition and opportunities it offers.
The Inclusion Scholarships are awarded annually to two children (aged 6 to 10 years) who have a passion and desire for singing but who, for financial reasons, are unable to afford or have difficulty affording the tuition fees.
The Inclusion Scholarships cover the full cost of YAV’s tuition fees, the music levy and uniforms for recipients (approximate value of $1,000 per student per annum). Transport to and from weekly rehearsals in Kent Town may also be included, depending on the circumstances.
Recipients of the Inclusion Scholarships will be determined by the YAV Board and their decision is final. Recipients are expected to adhere to YAV’s attendance expectations, policies and procedures (available at http://youngadelaidevoices.asn.aupolicies/)
The YAV Board particularly welcomes applications from indigenous children and those with migrant backgrounds.
Please contact the YAV Team on for more information or to enquire as to whether your child might be eligible.
Regardless of size, your support is vital in allowing us to continue our music making and excellence into the future.
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